whats up sexys!?
welcome to the new and improved starboys playground!! now known as the lame boy lounge! i'm mani, your guide and webmaster today and till the end of time! this sites an amalgamation of lots of things im into! i've toyed around with the thought of my own website ever since i stumbled on to neocities in december of 2021! since then ive gotten way more comfortable with html!
this site is made for me so it's optimized to fit my teeny ass laptop sorry if anything looks weird or out of place
if you've been here before you may remember this site looking a little different, so you may be wondering what's with the sudden over haul? well truth is, i was getting kind of tired the intro to my website not even being fully coded by me! i pussied up and finally decided to start from scratch and here we are!
i'm still not an expert but hey! look what i did on my own!
my previous index was a little too boring for my taste, one thing to know about me is i fucking LOVE clutter! and since my site is an extension of myself i wanted my site to be a bit much when it came to things to look at!!
the history of this site spans back to around august if my memory serves correct! i'd finally decided i'd join in on the fun and finally create my own website! only.... i didn't know what i was doing (and still kind of dont)
this place is still a bit messy so watch your step!


look around!
Update corner!
currently working on: gallery!!
new site! is up for my OCs go check it out if youre interested
woe! new blog be upon ye
longtime no update!!! ive got my links page up n runnin so everything in the navigation bar can officially be used!!!
HI ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! i uploaded a little thing about gender and sexuality to my blog!
made a new anime watchlist! didn't take as long as i thought it would! im very happy with it too! the lists themselves are a lil jank so sorry if it appears weird on wtv resolution ur using
finally finished the scott pilgrim shrine updqted the index a little, thinking of messing with the blog
new layout baby! a new era is upon us!
AHHHHHHH after like 12 hours straight of coding my baby is finally here!!! so glad i finally went through with the overhaul! i hope you guys like it as much as i do!
i cant wait to see how much my skills improve now that i'm like fully confident in my skills!!